fases proyecto arquitectura1

We regularly welcome clients to our office who are unsure about how to approach an architectural project in Spain. As a result, we are going to create a series of posts where we explain the stages in detail and the correct order to follow in order to manage a project so that everything goes as expected and we don’t encounter any surprises.

If you have a property or are thinking about buying one as a project, whether a full renovation, a particular type of home, a residential or office building etc…the steps to follow are basically the same:

  1. Pre-concept design (Anteproyecto)

It is highly recommended to contact a professional to assess everything related to the legal situation of the building, and in this case the right professional is an Architect. A poor choice at this stage can even make our idea unfeasible because of legal or economic issues. We have to be careful with our dreams, so it is better to be cautious from the get-go.

  1. Schematic design (Proyecto básico)

This document is where we translate the project idea to be presented to the local planning office, who will check that it will fit with current regulations and that will provide approval by granting a building license.

  1. Documents for Tenders and Detailed Design (Proyecto de ejecución)

This document details how the project will be constructed and will be used by the different builders and contractors to provide their budget to satisfy the qualities required and a concrete form of construction. This document should be viewed by the local College of Architects and will be presented to the local planning office or corresponding local authority.

  1. Works (Obras)

Once you have the building permit and the approved budgets, we can start the work. At this point, a Project Management team is obligatory for a major work, and usually consists of an Architect and a Technical Architect. These professionals will always ensure adherence to the plan and colloquially speaking, avoid being taken for a ride.

  1. Final License (Licencia de ocupación o utilización)

The Project Management team will release a Construction Completion Certificate when they are happy that the works have been finished according to the specification of the plan. With this certificate we can request the First Occupation License for our building which will allow registration for utilities like light and water aswell as registration in the notary. After a visit from the local inspector, and provided there are no discrepancies, we will get this license and can mark the project as completed.